Tuesday, January 17, 2012

22 Weeks

Symptoms for this week have been minimal - I've felt good and been able to eat which, earlier in my pregnancy, was a difficult thing for me because I had absolutely no appetite. Still no real cravings to speak of, just the knowledge (that has been with me since the early weeks of my pregnancy) that I want nothing to do with nachos (weird, huh?)

New this week: we've started to actually see our little girl move my belly! It's so much fun to see her little punches and kicks rather than just feel them.

Other people have started noticing my belly more. Three customers today asked me if I'm pregnant. They peer at my belly suspiciously and bravely ask the question, "Are you having a baby?" I'm sure they're relieved when I say I am. I know I would have to grow some serious cajones before I ask a woman whether or not she's pregnant. I don't want to be responsible for the kind of fallout that can only happen when the answer to that question is "....no...."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

21 Weeks

Today marks 21 weeks! It's been a fun ride so far (morning sickness and exhaustion included), but I can't wait to see what the upcoming weeks have in store. Last week we had our 20 week visit at the ultrasound facility. We found out that everything is progressing well with the baby....and we're having a girl! We almost didn't find out the sex at all because she wouldn't open her legs! We decided she must be modest...

I have to go back for another appointment at 28 weeks because I have a low-lying placenta, and they want to make sure it moves out of the way so I don't have any complications. I'm not too nervous because the doctor said it moves in about 95% of women. When I saw my OB/GYN for the follow-up appointment (he wanted to go over the results with us) he explained that the placenta "migrates" to the more blood-rich part of the uterus, which is usually at the top of the uterus and out of the way of the cervix and the birth canal.

This week is New Years, and I decided to make some resolutions. First, I'm going to be more consistent with exercise - I want to walk and do yoga more often. Second, I'm going to read at least 30 minutes every night. I love to read, but with so much going on I feel like I just don't have the time. Finally, I want to practice guitar every day. I've always wanted to learn and I'd love to be able to play to the baby.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Revisiting the Fat Man's Visit

This Christmas and New Years was pretty low-key for us. We stayed in town (or close to it), visiting my parents in Lockhart before Christmas, and staying with the in-laws for Christmas Eve and Christmas.

 We wanted something to commemorate my pregnancy during the holidays, but most of the ornaments were assuming the baby had already been born. So we found this personalized little number online, and we've very pleased with it.

The whole family
We went to see my parents on the Thursday before Christmas. After I got off of work, Chris and I drove down to Lockhart to and spent several enjoyable hours watching Christmas Vacation, eating, visiting, and opening presents. My mom made my favorite - chicken and rice - and I had two giant servings (which is pretty amazing, considering I haven't had much of an appetite during my pregnancy). One of the most memorable moments that night was when my sister got what appeared to be a box of Pop-Tarts, but what was really elaborate packaging for a gift card.

Santa Came!
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Chris' dad's house with his step-mom and half-brother and sister. They're six, so we got to be a part of the Christmas morning festivities that are so fun with little kids around. After the wrapping paper cleared and the kids disappeared to play with their toys, Chris and I watched A Christmas Story and relaxed before the family Christmas dinner. More of the family came over and we had a really great roast (yum).

I wait and wait for Christmas every year but, before I know it, it's over. I really enjoyed this year, and I know that next year will be even better!

So it begins...

My name is Aubrey. I grew up in New Braunfels, moved to Austin to go to the University of Texas, and I've been here ever since. I'm certified to teach 8-12 grade English but, right I after I graduated from the UTeach certification program, AISD started firing all their teachers, so I've been out of luck in the education department since then. Right now I work as a teller at a bank - which pays the rent and keeps me occupied while I continue my search for a teaching job.

I started this blog to keep a kind of ongoing journal of my first (yay!) pregnancy. I'll also throw in some book reviews, photos, and observations along the way. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!